Val Russell & Alex Spencer
The Flying Hatter​
Val Russell sewed and did needlework with her Grandmother from a very young age. She observed her Grandmother's frustration as an artist as she was only allowed to a homemaker as was the social bias of the time. Her Grandmother encourage her to follow her passion for art. Val has a BFA from The University of Colorado and a MFA from The San Francisco Art Institute. She has pursued interdisciplinary arts from performance to ceramic sculpture , but keeps coming back to fiber art. She founded a sportswear design company called PUSHWEAR, but closed shop to be closer to her child, Porter who also helps create the unique style of The Flying Hatter. They work with Alex Spencer , an art major who studied at Fort Lewis. Marble sculpture and well versed in three dimensions, Alex has quickly become a master shaper and leather worker. These three have paved the way to collaborate with other leather workers and fabric artist locally in the community. The artist have received The La Plata County Lodger's Grant and have a well received collector base from New Orleans to the Southwest Regions of the Country.
Studio Address: 1309 E 3rd Ave, Smiley #B5 – Basement, Durango
Phone: 901-826-5709