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Theresa Fagundes


Intricate hand carved art and functional ceramics inspired by the mountains


I've been known to craft and create and get distracted by pretty things for as long as I can remember. My Grandma doodled masterpieces on packages she would send us and one of my earliest obsessions was a quilt she made for my mother. As a child, I would trace her work with my fingers for hours, enamored by the design. I can only dream of creating pieces that are so valued and explored. 


 I developed an interest in creating my own art from an early age and graduated high school with the Art Award. When I started college, I began as an art major but was encouraged by my mom to pursue something more practical that would allow me to create “just for fun” (and pay for art supplies). I studied nursing and quilted in my free time. I didn’t discover pottery until 2012, when I began taking ceramics classes at Kentucky Mudworks in Lexington, Kentucky. I never would have guessed where those adventures would lead me, but it has been a dream come true. 


My two greatest artistic outlets continue to be quilting and pottery, thus my name: fiber and glaze. These crafts have dominated most of my creative hours: discovering new glaze combos, new patterns, and new techniques. When I am not trail running or participating in some other outdoor pursuit, I am making art or dreaming about it.


 I find massive joy in sharing the things I make with others. Each piece has been touched, turned, and considered with love....and I mean repeatedly. I share my work with hopes to inspire you, if not to find out what you are capable of, then to be comforted by beauty in the world around you.


Studio Address: 627 E 4th Ave, Unit B, Durango, CO 81301

Phone:  970-403-5038


Instagram: @fiberandglaze


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